Thursday 17 July 2014

Why do we need to BRUSH our teeth?

We all must have noticed a soft sticky layer forming on our teeth everyday. This layer is called PLAQUE. It is mainly formed of food debris and bacteria. Brushing teeth removes plaque and gives us clean teeth, gums and a fresh breath. For healthy teeth and gums it is mandatory to have good oral hygiene and for that brushing should be perfect.

Most dental problems are because of improper brushing technique. One may be brushing 3to4 times a day, but if brushing technique is not proper, there will be food lodgment in between the teeth resulting in oral hygiene. That is why learning proper brushing technique is very important. 

How to Brush Technique

There are different brushing techniques but most commonly used tech for adults is BASS and for children it is FONE’S tech 

Bass Method of Brushing

In Bass method brush is placed at 45 degree to long axis of tooth.

In this brushing technique bristles are forced in the area between the two teeth and the junction of gums with the teeth. Then teeth are brushed with short back and forth strokes with vibratory action.

The eating surface is brushed with short anterior and posterior strokes.

This brushing technique is used for routine use.

Fone’s Method of Brushing

This brushing technique is effective for young children.

In this brush is firmly placed against teeth and gums at 90 degree on the outer surface.

Brush is moved in rotary action while teeth are closed. This brushing technique is very easy for the children to follow.

Frequency of Brushing

We often ask this question that how many times do we need to brush out teeth. It should be individualized on basis of

Rate of plaque formation

Caries risk

Gum diseases

It is the quality of cleaning, not the frequency which is related to disease. But brushing twice a day, once at bed time and once in the morning is recommended.

Effects of Incorrect Brushing
  • Lots of PROBLEMS can be there because of incorrect brushing like –
  • gums can be receded because of which teeth look long and root is exposed 
  • gums can get irritated and start bleeding
  • tooth staining
  • bad breathe called as Halitosis
  • periodontal problems
  • abrasion(wear) of the teeth takes place
  • teeth become sensitive to hot and cold sensation
  • bone loss leading to mobility and ultimately tooth loss.
How Often Brush Should Be Changed

On an average it should be changed after 3 months, when the bristles start wearing off.
It should be changed after cold and flu

We get indicator tooth brushes in which central tuft is dyed with food colorant (blue). When blue color fades, it indicates time to change the brush.

Is Brushing Important For Children

Many people have a belief that it is not important for small children to brush. But its not correct. It is equally necessary for children to maintain a good oral hygiene as it is for adults.

The best technique for children is FONES. Parents should encourage their children and keep a regular check about their brushing habits. Small size attractive brushes are available for children.

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