Thursday 12 June 2014

Traditional Dentures vs. Removable Dentures, Types of dentures

If you are suffering from total tooth loss in one or both of your jaws, do proper research for your teeth replacement options carefully when you commit to any decision.

A traditional and removable denture is once the only option for tooth loss. Tooth loss is not the only reason why people turn to dentures. Most often, people use it for gum protection, properly food chewing and to improve their speech. But today, dental technology offers many different options for dentures to choose from.

Now, what is the difference between these all Dentures in Bolton? Eventually, a removable one is easy to take out, while a fixed one can only removed at the dental clinic.

Recently, most people have opted for removable dentures as they are too easy to maintain and comfortable to wear. However, a removable denture comes with some problems. Their instability in the mouth causes big compromise and constant adjustment for patients. As the time passes, they lose their fitting.

Another issue with removable dentures is affecting the bone loss has no stability at all. That often turns into irritation in the mouth, further more losing dentures and creating an oral environment that lead to oral infection and gum diseases.

The oral functions create a distinct difference between both types. While removable one are perfectly fitted, this makes some food impossible to consume. The traditional one often noticed to decrease the ability to test the food. Permanent dentures do not interfere in someone’s sense of taste.

So, if you have experienced tooth loss, living in Bolton and looking for natural looking dentures, contact The Dental Smile Centre today to schedule an appointment for examining your teeth and further assessment. We will discuss possible option with you that are suitable for you. We will happy to help you determine which type of dentures is best for you.

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